Friday, May 8, 2009

Wed, May 6th, 2009

The weather today was the shits to say the least. It’s what the Irish say their weather is like. It was a slow, relaxing day. In the morning, I mentioned to Mark that I really needed a day just to do some things both personal and work-related on the computer. I tackled most of what was hanging over my head for the past week that I’d brought with me to accomplish. I will probably finish the rest on the weekend or when I’m back in Dublin next week.

We went back and forth to the internet café in Waterville, had tea, coffee, scones and brownies. We also froze our asses off, frankly! The Irish don't heat their homes like we do in North America. At Pete's, I always had to keep all of my clothes/coats on at all times. By the time we'd leave, I couldn't feel my fingers! After the second trip into town, we stopped at the same bar as yesterday and had a Guinness and a Murphy’s, and at 6pm, they served food, so we had some ‘chips’ and watched RTE One where Hilary Clinton apologized for the significant civilian deaths in Afghanistan today. Maybe we should come home?! Anyhow, the weather was wicked when we walked out of there, and our warmed up bodies quickly felt chilled again.

It is amazing how late the sun sets here. Tonight it was somewhere around 9pm. Mark is struggling to keep a fire going tonight. The wood he bought at the hardware store is very wet and just won’t stay lit. He is persistent like Kevin!!!

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