I don’t even remember where I left off in the last note, so will say that I took the train from Cork to Dublin. Enough Ryanair for me! It was among the best decisions I made all week; I thoroughly enjoyed the pace of it all, and no one weighed by bags; bags filled with way too many clothes…I’m so female when it comes to packing! I caught the right train, got off at the right station, talked to another very nice taxi driver. (So different from NYC, where they make you feel like the dentist if you ask them a question most of the time.) He told me about his daughter who’d been to Canada all last summer with her girlfriend, and the girlfriend came back pregnant!!! Can you imagine coming home with that one!? He said that he doesn’t get updates anymore because he basically said: “How could you be so stupid?”, when he heard. We had a good laugh about that. (She was 27 and is due any day, and seems happy about the whole thing, even though it’s less than ideal. I’m not judging, just sure as hell happy it wasn’t me who had to tell my mom….oh hi mom….my news was quite enough, I’m sure.)
I settled into the hotel and then took off with my pass and ubiquitous knapsack (don’t you just love that word? Mr. Dell, my high school VP said that to me one day, many years ago, as I left track practice, and I looked at him blankly, so he explained what it meant. It really was the perfect adjective to describe me and my knapsack. Go to www.dictionary.com for those of you who are lost.) I went to the Guinness Factory tour. I quite enjoyed it. At first, I was disappointed that it was self guided, but I got over it quickly and took my time reading everything. It’s an awesome building that housed the old factory.
It has been renovated and turned into a tourist attraction. The best part was the pint of Guinness that you get when it’s over, and the 360 degree bar at the top. I walked around, chatted with a young couple from the US, and talked with Tania on the phone for a while, and quite honestly, wished I had someone to share the experience with. Sorry, a moment of weakness there…actually, I had several of them throughout the whole trip; they came on at the most unexpected times, and in a wave. Just being melancholy, not depressed here people. To be expected, I guess.
I settled into the hotel and then took off with my pass and ubiquitous knapsack (don’t you just love that word? Mr. Dell, my high school VP said that to me one day, many years ago, as I left track practice, and I looked at him blankly, so he explained what it meant. It really was the perfect adjective to describe me and my knapsack. Go to www.dictionary.com for those of you who are lost.) I went to the Guinness Factory tour. I quite enjoyed it. At first, I was disappointed that it was self guided, but I got over it quickly and took my time reading everything. It’s an awesome building that housed the old factory.
In the evening, I headed over to the Oliver St-John Goggarty’s Pub, where I met the couple from Utah last week, and heard some more fantastic music. Actually, this time, it was twice as good. The musicians were of much higher caliber, and they had a guest fiddler, whom I thought was outstanding. A man offered to buy me a drink, but of course, the only guy to hit on me the entire trip, was red-faced, ugly and old! What the hell!? Went to bed, had an OK sleep—too noisy for me.
I hope you’ve enjoyed these notes. I’m glad that the chore of writing them is over, but also sad, because it means that my hectic, over-committed life is about to go full-throttle by Tuesday. I know, I have to do something about that too……maybe after the next trip......hmmm....me thinks Rhode Island, NYC and Mexico for sure...then Africa? South of France? Bali and Indonesia?
Warmly, Steph
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